새로운 섬에서 관광산업 개발 확정, 몰디브 정부의 발표!2019.12.18

Maldives resumes tourism leases, allocates 29 islands for new resort development


기사출처 : https://maldives.net.mv/34779/maldives-resumes-tourism-leases-allocates-29-islands-for-new-resort-development/

Maldives on Tuesday resumed tourism leases, allocating 29 uninhabited islands and land from several inhabited islands for new tourism developments.

Local laws allow tourism leases of up to 100 years.

The Tourism Act was amended in 2016 to allow closed bidding for islands for resort development.

However, the new government, which came to power in November 2018, had scrapped the amendment. The government also suspended new tourism leases, pending a market analysis and proper evaluation of existing developments.

At a ceremony held Tuesday evening at the main convention centre of Dharubaaruge in capital Male, tourism minister Ali Waheed said the government plans to develop additional 13,720 tourist beds within its first five-year term.

“This initiative will at least 18,000 employment opportunities for locals,” he said.


Minister Waheed acknowledged that some of the islands are home to environmentally sensitive areas. Those areas will be fully preserved through the development process, he said.

Waheed stressed that these new leases focus on boosting tourism in regions where there are fewer developments. The greater Male region has been excluded because of the high concentration of tourism activity in the region, he added.



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