몰디브 이탈리아 입국 전면 금지2020.03.09


Maldives tightens coronavirus preventive measures, bans arrivals from Italy



Maldives on Saturday announced a series of fresh preventive measures to tackle a potential outbreak of the new coronavirus that has grappled countries across the world, including the banning of passengers and flights from Italy.

Tourism minister Ali Waheed told journalists in capital Male Saturday morning that a travel advisory will come into effect at 12am Sunday. All visitors travelling from Italy, including any on transit flights, will be denied entry, he said.

Direct and transit flights to and from Italy will also be suspended, the minister added.

No confirmed cases had been found in the Maldives.

However, these new measures on arrivals from Italy come after an Italian who had vacationed in Maldives was tested positive for the new coronavirus after his return to Italy. A doctor who had come into contact with the Italian during his holiday in Maldives had been quarantined.

Meanwhile, an Italian who had been holidaying at a guesthouse in an inhabited island was quarantined on Friday after he began showing symptoms of the virus. The island is currently in lockdown.


출처 :  https://maldives.net.mv/35954/maldives-tightens-coronavirus-preventive-measures-bans-arrivals-from-italy/?fbclid=IwAR2Ouw-3R-x5gRPudyGXWJaxcmL4-d7JsPkFzB0BVuPZgStMXEnHBdVO4AQ


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